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Vices Digital Illustration


Money & Greed


This quadrant focuses on how using money as your only motivation in life will negatively affect you. It also comments on human mortality and the fact that even if you have the most money or fastest car, it won't matter after this life.

Brevity of time


The broken hourglass and the sun as a clock comments on how fast time really moves, with a memento mori warning on the top rim also given is a look at the top of the playground - a place blocked by a stone wall to protect the young ones from the hardships surrounding them. However it is cracked- one day the children will be exposed to them all.

Excessive Technology​


the top right comments on how modern society puts so much value on status through the media. The idea of social climb, hypnotized only to be consumed by a "big Brother-esque" system of standards is conveyed, as well as the loss of freedom symbolized by the fallen lady liberty. 

Imposter Syndrome & Body Dysmorphia​


the mirrors in this section represent how everyone feels a little insecure at some point in their life. Whether that's in their skin, personality, or abilities, it's a pretty universal experience. 

Shelter from the world


This section mainly focuses on the good-the playground symbolizes safety and protection that we should get as children. although they seem isolated, they aren't able to see any of the vices around them due to the thick, high walls. all they will focus on is each other.

Addictions & escapism


The bottom right section warns about addictions. Whether that's drugs and alcohol, excessive retail therapy, or sleeping to avoid, everyone has their ways of coping that aren't so healthy.

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